NSW DPI Fisheries has been seeking Expressions of Interest (EOIs) from water users who would like access financial and logistic assistance to upgrade their water diversion (pump or gravity-fed channel) with a modern fish-protection screen.
These EOIs are collected for target reaches when funding to support screen installations becomes available. For example, funding for the Lachlan River program has been being provided for screen installations by the Australian Government, under the Commonwealth Environmental Water Owner CEAF program and is being delivered by NSW DPI Fisheries.
NSW DPI Fisheries continues to investigate interest in modern screens across the State. So, if you’d like to register your interest (for example in the Southern Basin or on the coast) – you can still submit an EOI for consideration as part of future screening projects.
Complete the form below to register your interest in participating in future funding rounds.
Modern screens keep fish and debris where they belong – in the river and out of infrastructure. They feature a large self-cleaning surface area that maintains the volume of water extracted, while using a fine mesh that limits the extraction of fish from our rivers.
For 10 years, NSW DPI researchers have worked with Australian manufacturers and irrigators to tailor screens to protect local fish species while maintaining water extraction requirements. Now, this technology is available to suit any type of pump, at any size.
Modern fish-protection screens do not affect pump performance!
Early adopters are already reporting benefits at 22 showcase sites. This matches evidence from overseas, where thousands of farmers have realised reduced operating and labour costs and improved environmental outcomes.
If you need help, or have questions, please call 1800 677 572.